Prepping > Power and Energy

Microwave Faraday cage


I've been do thinking of making an ammo can Faraday cage but am getting mixed messages on whether or not they work. I did see someone mention using a old microwave. What are your thoughts on using a microwave? We have one or the big old ones, (we are storing a few things in), that weights a ton so it should have some good shielding.

I don't know for certain, but it sounds feasible to me..........a microwave is designed to contain the electromagnetic radiation that a microwave produces, so I would assume the reverse would be applicable and it would block possible all or most of the 4 different forms of EMPs ( Electric field, Magnetic field, Electromagnetic radiation & Electrical conduction).........that's about all I can remember about EMPs.......I guess I should add that to the list of things to study up's not if, but when we get hit by one (again).......Google Carrington Event if you are not already familiar.

Put your cell phone inside. Call it and see if it rings.

Country Singer:
The most comprehensive work I've read to date on Faraday cages is in Bobby Akart's book EMP: Electromagnetic Pulse (Prepping For Tomorrow Book 1) (it's available on Kindle Unlimited).

An earth-facing CME event of great enough size would take down all electronics and communications like an EMP
The March 12, 2023 CME event was actually much larger than the 1859 Carrington burst. Early estimates point to the explosion being 10 to 100 times more powerful than the Carrington event, though, again, it occurred facing away from earth rather than towards it.

Had it occurred towards the earth, millions, if not billions, of people would have died. Is it possible for another such CME event to occur in the future that points towards earth rather than away from it, resulting in an end-of-the-world type of calamity?


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