Author Topic: Volusia County Preppers  (Read 7490 times)

Country Singer

« Last Edit: June 06, 2018, 07:59:51 PM by Country Singer »
“Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place.
If victorious, we will have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for.”


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 04:56:31 PM »
Looks like a great site.

Know what it's missing? A discussion forum.

Do you or anyone have an in with them. They could pretty much have "Florida" mostly to themselves.
A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many bad measures.
~ Daniel Webster

Country Singer

Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 07:32:22 PM »
Already talked to them about it.  They're going to discuss it at their next meeting.
“Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place.
If victorious, we will have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for.”


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2018, 12:13:04 AM »
I didn't get a chance to bring a discussion group up at our meeting yesterday. The plan was to have part of the meeting going over our web site, web resources, etc., and that was going to be part of the discussion. The person who knows how to set up the big screen monitors wasn't there. A couple of us looked at the equipment, shook our heads, and decided we weren't going to risk messing something up. Next meeting.

In the mean time, here's a link to the meeting notes. Sanitation and Dealing With Death don't rank very high on the "Cool Factor" scale, but they are important topics for those who take preparedness seriously. When I get some more time, I'll add to the notes from some of the hand-outs from the meeting. This month's handouts came out to 40 pages. At almost every meeting, there are printed notes, PDF docs, etc., that are available for everyone there. Members are encouraged to compile them into 3-ring binders or other organizing methods so they can accumulate a library of prep materials.

Speaking of accumulating a library - several of us have assembled lists of our favorite preparedness books. It started out as a "Top Twenty" list, but sometimes that number gets exceeded a bit.

Country Singer

Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2018, 12:15:23 AM »
Welcome!  Glad you made it over here!
“Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place.
If victorious, we will have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for.”


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2018, 09:57:31 PM »
Just letting folks know about our upcoming July meeting. It should be a great one. Guest speaker is a missionary to Sierra Leone, West Africa (he returns in October). He will be talking about what really happened during the Ebola crisis there (he was there in the jungle during the Ebola crisis). He will also be talking about life without electricity or any of the modern conveniences that we all seem to take for granted.

He is using his military retirement to fund the mission work (I am VP of the non-profit corporation that handles logistics for the project).


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2018, 05:11:10 PM »
Here's a link to our October 2018 newsletter -


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2019, 09:51:40 PM »
Just a reminder that we're still here.


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2019, 11:07:52 AM »
Just another reminder that we're still here and meeting every month. If you'd like to see the "Meeting notes" email that went out this morning, click here - On our web site, you'll see a "Subscribe" menu item if you'd like to be on our mailing list.


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2020, 11:25:41 PM »
We had 76 at our prep group meeting tonight including folks from Volusia, Orange, Seminole, and Brevard Counties. One group came from Titusville where they meet three times a month. No doubt about it - people are waking up to what is coming. Only a few months ago, 30 would have been a good turnout.

Are you getting out there, making contacts, learning and teaching others? Time is growing short. Very short.


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2022, 09:33:32 AM »
Just a note: The Volusia County group will be disbanding following our AUG meeting. It's been 11 years of monthly meetings, with up to 76 people and still lots of folks attending. The focus now is on putting it all into practice and building our local tribes. Time's up, the door has closed. (We won't be making any further comments)


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2022, 10:46:07 AM »
Stephen, Thank you so much for this.  How in the world did you set it up so successfully to include such a large group, without  "outing" yourself?  Or did you care?  I hope you will answer, but I understand if you choose to not respond any further at this point.  Blessings and wishes for success, in whatever we are about to face.


Re: Volusia County Preppers
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2023, 09:31:38 PM »
Abigayle - sorry I took so long to reply. I had stopped checking in and just saw this.

We didn't worry about trying to remain anonymous - at least in the beginning. Toward the end, we began to worry about that, and it was a major factor in the decision to shut it down on the county level. We focused on the basics of food, water, medical, etc. If anyone came and started talking "militia" or "fighting back", they were shown the door and told not to come back. That was strictly followed. The group was started before I found out about it.

I think a really big factor is one that you really can't control - location. The group began among a few folks in a housing development that attracted a very conservative type of people (I won't give any details on that) and just started with folks meeting at the local barber shop. It had its up and down times, but that's to be expected. There was a core of about 3 of us that met to plan and organize and come up with program ideas - it takes behind-the-scenes work.

Now that we have split up into small neighborhood groups, the location factor really becomes apparent. Areas that are rural (like where I am), or that have something that attracts a conservative type continue successfully. Most other areas have fizzled out. Some folks attended just for something to do - it was a social thing for them. That part was frustrating for us, but you just deal with it. Others just didn't have enough preppers in their area to reach that critical mass to make it work.

Back to "outing" or anonymity - I don't know of any way to build a group while remaining anonymous. Maybe there is a way, but I sure don't know what that might be. It takes a couple of folks who just decide they're going to help other folks get prepared despite the risks, and go ahead and do it. Was that a wise idea on my part? I don't know. Only time will tell. I will say, though, that being locally known as the guy who teaches preparedness has allowed me to make a whole lot of connections that I never would have otherwise. There's no free lunch. You have to decide if building tribe is worth the risk. Just be smart about it.

If I had to start from scratch, I would somehow find two other local preppers willing to take the risk, and then use that core to build. Regular meetings are important. We rented the space from a local church for our meetings.

I hope you find something useful in my ramblings.


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