Prepping > Bugging out - Bags/Locations/Vehicles

Sure Is Nice!

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If you happen to have a cool $500,000 laying around you could get a used on of these in a 2021 model.  It’s really cool and the solar array is awesome but then again for that price it should be!  Travel trailer long at its finest😎🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😳.

If you are new to Prepping, take a look at this video

I now see what people are talking about the Dep of Homeland Security and stocking up.  Here is one of their publications.  My wife watched this and started getting very nervous !

In college if you don’t make the grade to take algebra 101 you can take algebra 100 or pre-algebra. For all of us here this video is like “An Introduction To Pre-Algebra”…. If you have 3 days or even 3 weeks worth of supplies for what is coming, you are simply prolonging the inevitable…. Don’t get me wrong, there’s some really good info in here but one should be focusing on many months if not years!

Yes.  At my BOL region 2 I plan to plant many of the things mentioned in this article.

I started my Ramp patch 2 years ago.  Ramps are mentioned in this article.  The article neglected to tell you that Ramps grow above 3000ft in elevation.


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